> I dunno... That sounds lie a LOT of overhead for just a session ID
> that's gonna result in server lookups too...

It's really not.  It adds a negligeble amount of time to the request.  As
Jeffrey pointed out, the functions he's using are all in C and very fast.

Why verify session IDs?  To make it hard to hijack sessions.  This way it
isn't enough to just guess someone else's session ID: you also have to know
how to generate the proper digest for it.

This is also useful to prevent people from screwing up your stats with bogus
IDs.  Many people log the session ID for use in calculating people's path
through the site and similar things.  Often this is done for pages that
don't actually retrieve the session data from the backend store.  Being able
to verify that you have a valid session without hitting your data store can
be very useful.

- Perrin

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