The simple onUnload() construction will not work. You will have to open 
a new browser window on unload displaying the output of your server program.


Medi Montaseri wrote:

>I know this is off topic, but I thought someone could use a break...
>Given a page called xyz.html, I want to measure the amount of time a
>user spent
>on this screen (or page) along with other usability metrics. So I
>figured I'll use
>JavaScript since its running the entire time the page is up.
>Then I decided to use onload() and onunload() events to determine start
>and end
>of the session.
>The onload() part is easy. However when onunload() event happens, I need
>execute a server side program and feed it the data that was collected.
>So I figured I setup a dumy form and invoke form.submit() onUnload.
>Would this work or is there a better method.
>I also thought about a redirect followed by another rediect to where the
>user wanted
>to go, but that gets too browser dependent and I don't like it when
>others hijak my
>Medi Montaseri                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Unix Distributed Systems Engineer            HTTP://
>CyberShell Engineering

Martin Haase-Thomas         |  Tel.: 030 43730-558
meOme AG                    |  Fax.: 030 43730-555
Software Development        |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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