"Jonathan M. Hollin" wrote:
> I apologise in advance to those of you who receive multiple copies of
> this email due to my cross-posting.
> Due to the instability of its previous host, I have moved the mod_perl
> logo entries to my new Linux box (my apologies to those who were unable
> to review the images previously due to the inordinate down-time).
> The images are now available at
> http://beverley2.digital-word.com/mod_perl/
> Also, I have now added html pages to each directory with the images
> displayed inline - thanks to Stas Bekman (stas[at]stason.org) who
> contributed his "ls2html" Perl script for that purpose.
> I am still soliciting entries for the new logo (send to
> mod_perl[at]digital-word.com)... so please keep those images coming.
> Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
> West Yorkshire Perl User Group
> http://wypug.pm.org/

personally id have to say i like this one the best

id love to see it with the camel a bit bigger

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