On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 11:36:39AM +0100, gaston wrote:
> Hi list
> I wrote a small perl module using perl/Expat for parsing XML-files. 
> With apache 1.3.19 and perl 5.6.0 and Expat 2.27 it works fine. 
> In my new configuration (apache 1.3.20, perl 5.6.1 and Expat 2.30) 
> apache dies with an SIGSEGV on loading.
> The error occured during the function call ParseStream() in Expat.pm.
> When i checked the core file with gdb i get this:

Scope this:


So try switching to Apache 1.3.23 (the latest)?

Hope this helps! :)

\_/} Mark P. Fister             Java, Java, everywhere, and all    \_/}
\_/} eBay, Inc.                 the cups did shrink; Java, Java    \_/}
\_/} Austin, TX                 everywhere, nor any drop to drink! \_/}

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