On Fri, 01 Mar 2002 11:16:15 +0800
Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Enrico Sorcinelli wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I started to use Apache::DB (0.06) to interactively debug under mod_perl using 
>ptkdb. I see that is necessary to modify Apache/DB.pm but, after this, the debugger 
>will be run always under ptkdb. The little patch I propose to Apache/DB.pm is to 
>improve Apache to dinamically switch from command line to GUI (ptkdb) interface by 
>configuring this in httpd.conf.
> Hi Enrico,
> Does it actually work for you? My previous experience with it wasn't so 
> good. I was manually loading Devel/ptkdb.pm instead of Apache/perl5db.pl
> and it'll work for the first request, but then will hang. I see that 
> ptkdb hasn't changed since the last time I've tried it. May be it's a 
> newer perlTk that works better now?

Dear Stas,
I know the hang problem (I've started to hack the ptkdb code but it is enough 
However I find the GUI debugger useful. My TEMPORARY workaround is:

1) Initially (and if possible) I've used a brutal 'kill 9 $$' code in cleanup handler

    if (ref $r) {
        $SIG{INT} = \&DB::catch;
        $r->register_cleanup(sub { 
            $SIG{INT} = \&DB::ApacheSIGINT();
>>>         kill 9, $$ if $ptkdb;

then now

2) I use the ptkdb 'File' menu command "Close Window and Run" (but I've added this in 
the button bar) instead of "Run". In this case at the end of code, the debugger won't 
hang and the window will closed. Note that if there are breakpoint, the window will be 
closed and re-opened and all breakpoint are maintained (it is more convenient to use 
'Close Window and Run' only after last breakpoint).


Enrico Sorcinelli - Gruppo E-Comm - Italia On Line S.p.a.

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