
Sorry my bad English.
There is ISP Zenon http://zenon.net
I think Zenon is the best of those providing professional hosting services
and they rank first
by number of clients hosted in Russia.
They offer personal httpd with mod_perl (running as backend), shell, gcc,
personal MySQL and PostgreSQL DBs etc. for $45/month.
They also pay a lot of attention to security (for example, personal httpd is
actually given to each client even on smaller plans where you don't have
access to httpd.conf, so users cannot walk by each other account data etc.)
Unfortunatly English part of their site is very poor and I don't know if
they provide same good international services as local. But may be you will
have success with them!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Fran Fabrizio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: Site Host Providers that Support mod_perl?

> I thought I had posted to this thread yesterday but looking back I don't
> see that it showed up, so I'll try again. :)
> I'm also looking for good mod_perl-supporting ISPs.  Recently I went
> through the list on the web site, and either the links were broken, or
> the sites made no mention of supporting mod_perl.  The best I've managed
> to find on my own is an ISP that starts supporting it at the $250/month
> level!  Yikes. =)  The inaccuracy of the list doesn't surprise me since
> the ISP world has experienced so much turnover and turmoil in the last
> couple of years.  I'd be willing to compile a list of ISPs that you all
> know about and/or use, and forward that on to the web site maintainer.
> I know one option is to run your own mod-perl enabled apache but I
> imagine that a lot of ISPs would get pretty upset about you running
> servers (especially ones that love memory) on non-privileged ports, if
> they even allow connections to those ports in the first place.
> My ideal setup would be to be able to colocate one of my servers and
> just use the ISP's bandwidth, but those plans are all pretty pricey.
> So, I'd really like to have a good ISP that supports mod_perl that I can
> afford because I'd enjoy being able to play around and create sites that
> use mod_perl outside of work.  Of course, I can do it at home, but it's
> not the best place to host a web app, it'd have an audience of one. =)
> Thanks,
> Fran
> David Simcik wrote:
> > Alright, I'm a total mod_perl newbie and would like to find a host for
> > personal site that allows me to develop mod_perl scripts. First off, I'm
> > assuming that there is no way to install mod_perl on my current provider
> > to (obvious) access privilige restrictions to Apache? Secondly, the
> > question here, whom would you folks recommend for hosting services,
> > the afforementioned?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > David
> >

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