> At 11:30 AM -0800 3/14/02, Rob Bloodgood wrote:
> >The problem is, concurrency.  Dreamweaver has versioning built
> >in... but emacs has no way to recognize it.  So when I make a fix
> >to a file, if the designers aren't explicitly instructed to >
> >refresh-from-the-website-via-ftp, my changes get hosed.
> Versioning, no.  Locking, yes, optionally.  (Well, I guess it can do
> versioning via SourceSafe, but not via anything else.)  I'm seriously
> hoping they'll address that in the next release.

<sigh> I meant locking.  Not versioning.  e-Foot in e-Mouth.

> Emacs over WebDAV should work fine if you run something that supports
> WebDAV as a filesystem (e.g. OSX), but that's not going to help you
> much.

If we're talking about LOCKING, is this statement still true?

> There are two options I can think of.
> 1. If your designers aren't making use of checkin/checkout in
> DreamWeaver, then simply make it clear to them that before they can
> save a file to the server, they have to do a sync first.  Make the
> final repository sit on CVS, and do a checkin every night.  So if
> something does go wrong you can at least pick up the previous day's
> work.

That (the train-them-to-sync-first part) has been what I've been forced to
do so far.  I haven't gone so far as to set up a CVS for the website tho.
Thx for the, I'll look into it.

> 2. DreamWeaver's locking mechanism is handled by placing lock files
> on the server.  Those files have the info about who has what.  It
> ought to be possible to write an emacs extension that would use those
> files.

Certainly.  But my original message mentioned the REAL source of my
frustration: I'm pretty limited at elisp, otherwise I might have already had
this worked out. :-)


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