At 12:27 AM -0500 3/22/02, Ed Grimm wrote:
>Does shutting down apache free up your locks?

Nope. They are held open in the environment files (__db00*). When the 
server is restarted, the count increases where it left off.

Just to be clear, the items left allocated are what DB calls 
"lockers", which are different from actual "locks". A locker is just 
a slot for data concerning an active lock (think of it as an array 

Normally, DB will grow the array by one, store info about the lock in 
it, and then when the lock is freed, shrink the array. Instead, 
what's happening is that the lock itself is freed, but the array 
doesn't shrink (the locker isn't freed). So the next time a new lock 
is required, it allocates another locker. If you do this enough (1000 
times), the environment file runs out of room, and opens fail.

>(As an aside, I'm not sure I'll ever get over undef being proper closing
>of a database connection; it seems so synonomous to free([23]).  I
>expect something like $db->db_close() or something.)


Dan Wilga                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Technology Specialist           
Mount Holyoke College                                Tel: 413-538-3027
South Hadley, MA  01075     "I have a bold and cunning plan" - Baldric

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