Ed Grimm wrote:
> Danger: Rant ahead.  Proceed with caution.

[my summary of mlocks discussion removed]

> In the discussion you referred to, all of the people saying this was a
> bad idea were using terms like, "I think".  None of them had the
> situation themselves, so have a difficult time coming to terms with it.
> None of them had related former experience using this.  Something like
> this really needs to be tested by someone who has the issue, and has the
> ability to do benchmarks with real data streams.  If they find it seems
> to work well, then they should test it on production systems.  Anyone
> else talking about it is simply that much hot air, myself included.  (I
> *could* test it, but I don't have enough of a problem to put a priority
> on it.  If we were waiting for me to get time, we'd be waiting a long
> time.)

Right, therefore until someone comes up with real numbers and real 
testing this is all words. I've summarized the discussions here and at 
the httpd-dev lists. I've never used mlock() and friends myself, so I 
can only rely on other users' experiences. I cannot do the testing 
myself now, too many things on my plate already. If you think my summary 
is not so good (which is definitely can be) you are welcome to improve 
it. If someone can do the real testing and share the results with the 
list, everybody will benefit.

[the rest of the interesting rant removed]

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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