--On lundi 1 avril 2002 16:44 -0500 Larry Leszczynski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Eric Cholet wrote:
>> The Set-Cookie issue has been fixed in apache CVS, but the chunked
>> response issue hasn't yet. Forward any ideas/patches to the
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] or to mod_proxy's maintainer, minfrin at sharp dot
>> fm.
> I have not yet been able to get 1.3.23 successfully patched to fix the
> Set-Cookie issue, and I can't use 1.3.24 because of the chunking problem.
>  (Plus, the 1.3.23 problem of the proxy hanging on to back-end connections
> until it's done talking with the client pretty much defeats the purpose of
> using it in accelerator mode.)
> Does anyone know the most recent Apache version where the Set-Cookie and
> chunked problems were *not* an issue for mod_proxy?  I have an old 1.3.14
> instance that seems to work, but I'd rather not go back that far...

I know the chunking bug wasn't in 1.3.22, but I do not know about the
Set-Cookie status in that release because I didn't notice it until much
later (customer setting multiple cookies complained). The chunking bug
is of course much more visible since it breaks Netscape browsers completely.

Eric Cholet

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