Hi all

We have a mod_perl server that's under constant heavy load.  In our Apache 
config we have switched HostnameLookups off using

HostnameLookups off

and for the most part, it seems to work.  However, any check of the logs or 
/server-status shows that the server is *still* doing reverse-lookup of some 
addresses.  Often, a number of apache processes show up as "D" in 
/server-status, and it's pretty clear that it's slowing things down.

Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this?  Could it be something 
in the mod_perl config?  Nowhere in any of our code do we do hostname 
resolution and for the most part couldn't care less what host/ip people come 

Sorry if this is the wrong list but I have a sneaking suspicion there's 
something about our mod_perl config that's affecting it. 

RTFM's are welcome...  I already tried but maybe I missed something.


Kyle Dawkins
Systems Engineer
Central Park Software

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