John Siracusa wrote:
> You might want to reconsider the use of VT escape codes in the build
> process.  The red error message was cute, but there's a big potential
> downside (see attached screenshot).
> In the words of the W3C's CSS validator: "You have no background-color with
> your color" :)

sigh :(

the idea was to make certain messages more outstanding, so people
will pay attention to warnings and errors. In your examples warnings
are not really seen on certain terminals, which is worse than using the 
default fg color.
I've tried using on_white for bg and the results are bad.

Currently we use:

    %colors = (
         emerg   => 'bold white on_blue',
         alert   => 'bold blue on_yellow',
         crit    => 'reverse',
         error   => 'bold red',
         warning => 'yellow',
         notice  => 'green',
         info    => 'cyan',
         debug   => 'magenta',
         reset   => 'reset',
         todo    => 'underline',

I've changed my gnome-terminal prefs to use black as bg and white as fg, 
and it was pretty much OK with the current colours, darker colours being 
less visible.

I guess what's important is to have at least 2 additional to the default 
colors for warnings and errors. It seems that 'bold red' will be 
perfectly seen on pretty much any background (but red :). Apparently 
yellow is not a good choice. Any better suggestions for cross background 
fg color? refer to the Term::ANSIColor manpage for more options.

Please play with
Apache-Test/lib/Apache/ and see if you can come up with a 
better solution.

I've searched google, but didn't find any info regarding Term::ANSIColor 
and suggesting good cross-platform, cross-terminal colors.


Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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