I posted this a few months ago, got great response and was 
unable to follow-up on it immediately for a variety of 
reasons. The need has become critical so I am pursuing 
those who responded before and hoping to gather some new 
faces for interviews in the next two weeks.


Here is the original posting :

        We are building a next generation internet printing 
system here at Electronics For Imaging (EFII). The Web 
apps portion is heavily
Apache/ModPerl/HTML::Mason/Oracle based running under 
Linux and Solaris. I am looking for someone that can help 
round out the team and work on both back-end functionality 
as well as the front-facing support tools and user 
experience. Initially this position will consist of 
rounding out the e-commerce/ERP integration, developing 
new support tools, XML integration with other system 
components as well as 'modernizing' our initially 
developed architecture and helping to clean up the code 
base so that moving forward is not quite so painful.

        EFI is a mid-sized( 1000 employees or so ) public company 
that is
doing just fine in the current market. We have not had any 
lay-off's and are growing at a comfortable rate. All in 
all its a comfortable place to weather this storm. The 
PrintMe team runs as an 'internal startup', that means its 
pretty relaxed and divorced from many of the day-to-day 
issues that would normally come with working in a larger 

        Looking for the usual skill-set, experience with 
ability to build your own architecture and framework from 
the ground-up and the ability to write code that plays 
well with others. I really enjoy people that come to the 
table with an overall understanding of how things work 
together and a somewhat proven track record. 

        If your interested drop me an email. We are located in 
Foster City, CA, just south of San Francisco. I am only 
considering local, non-telecommuters at this time, this 
project is to fast moving for people to not be in the 
office day to day.

        See us on the web at http://www.printme.com/ or 


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