Rob Nagler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >     undef $/;           # enable "slurp" mode
> I think the "local" is pretty important, especially in mod_perl:
>     local $/;
> This has the same effect (the "undef" is unnecessary).  It's also a
> good idea to enclose the code in a subroutine with error checking:
>     sub read_file {
>         my($file) = @_;
>       open(FH, "< $file") || die("error opening $file: $!");
>         local($/);
>       my($content) = <FH>;
>       close(FH) && defined($content) || die("error reading $file: $!");
>       return \$content;
>     }

A similiar idiom that I saw recently:

sub file_contents {
    my $fn = shift;
    open(FOO, $fn)
        or die "file_contents: open($fn): $!\n";
    my $stuff;
    read FOO, $stuff, -s FOO;
    return $stuff;

Take your pick as to which one is clearer...


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