Announcing new Apache module (written in C):

mod_log_sqlite is an Apache logging module for sqlite database. It
allows you to log your HTTP stats into sqlite, then you can do queries
using sqlite's SQL feature (including subselects, views) to HTTP

here's an excerpt from README:


mod_log_sqlite - Apache logging module to sqlite


You can install this module easily via apxs magic.

  % make
  # make install
  % make clean


1. install sqlite from
2. Add following lines to your httpd.conf

    LogSQLiteDBFile sqlite-logs/sqlite_log
    LogSQLiteAutoChown On 


First you should install sqlite module manually. See for details.

Then you should initialize access_log database (from 0.05, this is
optional). Note that the database file and the directory should be
writable by httpd running user ("nobody" by default).

  # mkdir /usr/local/apache/sqlite-logs
  # chown nobody:nobody /usr/local/apache/sqlite-logs
  % sudo -u nobody sqlite /usr/local/apache/sqlite-logs/sqlite_log < create_table.sql

"create_table.sql" is bundled with this module. Note that this module
automatically creates log table if there's not one, from 0.05. You can
let this moule do chown() automatically, by adding directive:

  LogSQLiteAutoChown On

Finally, simply add the following line to your httpd.conf:

  LogSQLiteDBFile sqlite-logs/sqlite_log

Table name is "access_log" by default. You can change it via
"LogSQLiteTable" directive if you want to.

  LogSQLiteTable wwwlog

From 0.05, this module supports separate database files per
VirtualHosts, which means you can even do:

  <VirtualHost x.x.x.x>
  LogSQLiteDBFile /home/

That's all! Enjoy querying your access_log via VIEWs and/or sub-querys.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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