Thanks, I needed some good news.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: mod_perl 1.99 (for Apache 2.0.35) building on W2K

Hi chuck
for DBI and DBD::xx it makes no difference if you use them with regular cgi modperl 1 or 2 because they are unrelated to web environment. (at least i suppose so a priori).
at least in my test they are used without problem in
for used outside modpelr with 2.0.35 no difference as well
and for used with modperl I don't know.
 i guess there is a difference, at least in the Apache::registry setup of the location to use the cgi like script
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: mod_perl 1.99 (for Apache 2.0.35) building on W2K

Pascal and anyone else who can help,
I've seen your other posts and I'm wondering how your testing is going with "regular" cgi programs.  I don't use any of the exotic mod_perl specifics, so I'm no help there.  I'll have to "aquire" more facilities to setup like you have (nt boxes in short supply). 
I'm mostly concerned about the, dbd::oracle etc. 
Anybody know the impact that Apache 2.0 has on these modules?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: mod_perl 1.99 (for Apache 2.0.35) building on W2K

Hi I am trying to build modperl under win2k
saw your message.
don't know about your problem but :
i use already built asperl build 631
I have built apache succesfully, but when trying to build modperl2
i am asked apxs
did you find the apxs program ?
pascal barbedor

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