This is just a pre-announce...

The short story:

We need somebody to do the coordination for the modperl banners project, 
similar to what Jonathan has done with the new logo creation/selection 

The long story:

We need to create a few banners, so we can use these as ads on friendly 
sites. I've already one tech site that wants to advertise us for free. I 
know that ads don't really work, but the targetted advertising is in a 
better shape.

I think the current market standard is 468x60 and 150x40 (pixels) and 
size about 10k. It's been a long time since I was doing these myself, so 
I'm not sure what's the acceptable image format. Definitely not PNG 
(Since some older browsers crash on PNGs). but these can be converted to 
other more back-compat formats. Anyway, the coordinator should figure 
out all these details before posting the announcement, so to prevent 
confusing and time wasting.

The coordinator will accept submissions from individuals and put them 
somewhere online (better pre-announce the url, so people can see the 
work in progress). I don't know yet if we will need to do the voting, 
but it's an option. All depends on how many banners will get submitted.

The coordinator should post the announcement with details about what and 
how to do, where to submit the banners and then after a decided 
timeframe post the results back to the list. Of course we will accept 
new banners in the future, but for the initial batch it'd be nice to 
have some timeframe, since we already have a need.

Eventually all the chosen banners will appear on the new mod_perl site. 
Since we are very close to the transition period, we need a temp 
location off-site for collecting the banners.

Ideas for banners:

* world domination chapter 1 (only 20% achieved)
* world domination chapter 2 (50% target)
* include the 2.0 theme
* ...
* definitely re-use the new logo
* ...

Also I don't know if the banners can be animated or not. Someone who's 
in touch with the ads bussiness these days, please help the coordinator 
to fine tune the specs.

p.s. I hope that I didn't make this simple thing sound too complicated :)

p.p.s. could also in parallel run a T-shirt logo contest, we have a new 
conference coming up in July. It's definitely a time to start thinking 
about mod_perl freebies!

p.p.p.s. You help is very appreciated!

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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