Jason wrote:

> In httpd.conf i have
> <Location /~jter>


>         Deny from all
> </Location>


> It warns to the log file and returns.... But the problem is, why does my browser 
>come up "forbidden"

I suspect "Deny from all" is the issue...

the PerlAccessHandler will run before the apache default mod_access gets the 
chance to implement the Deny rule.  on a successful login, your 
PerlAccessHandler will return OK, which is then denied by mod_access, resulting 
in a FORBIDDEN message.

unlike with the PerlAuthenHandler, which immediately terminates on the first OK, 
the PerlAccessHandler will keep going in search of failure.

 > Has anybody gotten this to sucessfully work?

yes :)

you may be interested in chapter 13 of the cookbook, which should help clarify 
things somewhat.


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