On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 04:15:52PM +0200, F.Xavier Noria wrote:
> I am writing some modules that receive a form, process it, and return a
> page that includes that very form. Is there a standard way to fill that
> returned form so the user sees the same data he sent there, as CGI.pm
> does?
> -- fxn
> PS: I am using Apache modules + HTML::Template if that matters.

Check out HTML::FillInForm, it's great!  It has code that takes your
form variables and the raw HTML and adds the default values to the
form elements.  Very handy.  Here's some code from the documentation:

  my $q = new CGI;

  $q->param("name","John Smith");

  my $fif = new HTML::FillInForm;
  my $output = $fif->fill(scalarref => \$html,
                          fobject => $q);

Note that HTML::FillInForm is directly supported in Apache::ASP.
Other toolkits may support it as well.

Paul Lindner    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ||||| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |

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