Have a look at the HTML::FillInForm module as well... 
it works wonders for me... 

On Sat, 2002-04-27 at 04:43, darren chamberlain wrote:
> * Ken Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-26 14:33]:
> > I'll throw my technique into the ring, too.  I use Template Toolkit
> > most of the time, and I pass the original Apache request object back
> > to the template as a parameter.  Then I call the "param" method to
> > fill in the "value" of form elements, like so:
> [-- snip --]
> > Nothing gets placed there the first time through as calling
> > "$apr->param" returns nothing.  This seems to work great for me.  I've
> > not used HTML::Template in a while, but possibly you can do this, too?
> The constructor for HTML::Template takes an optional argument names
> "associate", which should point to an object (or reference to a list of
> objects) that can("param").  Paramters in the template that are not
> explicitly filled in using the param method of the HTML::Template object
> are looked for by iterating through this list and calling
> param($template_variable_name), and takes the first non-false value as
> the correct one.
> To reuse Ken's illustration:
> > In code:
> >
> >     sub handler {
> >         my $r   = shift;
> >         my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r);
> >         my $t   = Template->new;
> >         my $html;
> >         $t->process('/foo/bar.tmpl', { apr => $apr }, \$html);
> >         $apr->content_type('text/html');
> >         $apr->send_http_header;
> >         $apr->print( $html );
> >         return OK;
> >     }
>     sub handler {
>         my $r   = shift;
>         my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r);
>         my $t   = HTML::Template->new(associate => $apr,
>                                       filename  => '/foo/bar.html');
>         $apr->content_type('text/html');
>         $apr->send_http_header;
>         $apr->print( $t->output );
>         return OK;
>     }
> > In template:
> >
> >     <form>
> >         <input name="foo" value="[% apr.param('foo') %]">
> >         <textarea name="text">[% apr.param('description') %]</textarea>
> >     </form>
>     <form>
>         <input name="foo" value="<TMPL_VAR NAME="foo">">
>         <textarea name="text"><TMPL_VAR NAME="description"></textarea>
>     </form>
> For the template itself, "foo" will be looked for as $apr->param("foo"),
> and description as $apr->param("description").
> (darren)
> PS Hi Ken!
> --
> The more we disagree, the better the chance that one of us is right.

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