On Fri, 3 May 2002, Jean-Marc Paulin wrote:

> Randy,
> Thanks a lot. I thought I was not the only one.
> In fact, this is not the test apache\post that hangs, but when running the
> test apache\conftree that apache.exe dies.what happens after is because I've
> aborted the script via Ctrl+Brk.

I didn't have a problem with apache\conftree the last time I
checked, but this was several days ago, with the cvs versions of
apache/mod_perl. Did this problem arise for you with the cvs
versions? If not, it may be worth trying these to see if your
problem persists.

> Regarding the Pb with Apache itself, I did copy the mod_perl.so to the
> modules folder with nmake install (so they said in the book)
> Are you running Apache 2.00.35 ?
> does the test (via nmake test) works for you ? or others ?

Running the individual tests as, eg,
    perl -Mblib t/TEST t/apache/post.t
works in running the tests individually for me, although
some do fail (eg, some in modperl/dir_config).

best regards,

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