On Thu, 2 May 2002, Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:

> At 21:25 02.05.2002, Peter Rothermel wrote:
> >greetings,
> >
> >Has anybody had any luck getting Apache-AuthCookie going
> >on an Apache 2.0 / mod_perl 1.99 setup? The first thing that
> >I hit was $r->connection->user is deprecated. I've changed these
> >to $r->user.  The next hurdle is that the status code REDIRECT
> >does not seen to be Apache::Constants.
> mod_perl 2 doesn't have Apache::Constants. You should use:
> use Apache::Const -compile => qw(... REDIRECT ..);
> Good luck on porting it to mod_perl 2! once you get it to work, it would be
> great if you could contribute it to the community!

If you do get it working, feel free to forward patches to me as I am the
AuthCookie maintainer.

An apache 2.0 port is on my TODO list.


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