Tried that...doesn't work either.

@INC still cannot find my file.  If I add the use lib statement 
to my script, all is o.k..  If I try to add it to my and call it 
at startup time, I get the error from @INC.

At 06:16 PM 5/18/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I did this:
>use lib qw(<path to files>);
>That adds the path to @INC. Someone correct me if that's the wrong way to do
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Gregory Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 6:12 PM
>Subject: Modifying @INC via
> > I am trying to:
> >
> > use lib qw(/dir/foo);
> >
> > in my file but @INC is NOT showing the path. I keep getting
> > "Can't locate in @INC" errors after restarting the server and
> > calling the script.
> >
> > My prog reads:
> >
> > require qq(;
> >
> > I am not sure what is going on. @INC shows:
> >
> > (@INC contains: /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/mach /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503
> > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-freebsd
> > /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 . /usr/local/www/
> > /usr/local/www/lib/perl) at (eval 265) line 22.
> >
> > Why is the path to not showing up?  My defaults.conf reads:
> >
> > # mod_perl setup
> > Alias /perl /usr/local/www/vhosts/
> > PerlRequire /usr/local/www/vhosts/
> > PerlSetEnv PERLDB_OPTS "NonStop=1 LineInfo=/tmp/db.out AutoTrace=1
> > PerlModule Apache::DB
> > PerlWarn On
> > PerlTaintCheck On
> > <Directory "/usr/local/www/vhosts/">
> >    PerlFixupHandler  +Apache::DB
> >    SetHandler         perl-script
> >    PerlHandler       +Apache::Registry
> >    Options           +ExecCGI
> >    allow from         all
> >    PerlSendHeader     Off
> > </Directory>
> > # end mod_perl setup
> >
> > Thanks everyone.  This list is a lifesaver!
> >
> > Gregory
> >
> >
> >
> >

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