On Tue, 28 May 2002, Ron Savage wrote:

> On Tue, 28 May 2002 04:52:48 +1200 (NZST), Andrew McNaughton wrote:
> [snip]

That's not me below, I quoted Lucas M. Saud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >>i'm writting a module to highlighting of Perl syntactical
> >>structures, but the current code is very slow... :(
> >>
> >>i need some help to implementing a method of "back-tracking" or one
> >>way to revising a token that has already been formatted without
> >>reformatting the entire string? it's possible?
> Lucas
> See:
> Combinatorial Algorithms
> Nijenhuis and Wilf
> Academic Press
> 0-12-519260-6 (1975)
> P 240

I've got a different problem.  I want to auto-link phrases which appear in
a dictionary, but I need to do some pre-processing on candidate phrases
before checking for them in the dictionary (removing line breaks and
punctuation, doing stemming, etc.)  If i get a match i want to put an <A>
tag around the phrase.

Seems like it shouldn't be too hard, but which ever way I go at it it
feels like a messy kludge.  Any suggestions?  Is the book referenced above
going to help with this one?

Probably this is off topic.  Reply to me personally, and I'll forward to
anyone who asks for it.


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