A note: since cookie is involved, why not to implement 
all the access/authentication/authurization functions at 
the access control phase using cookie ?

> I've got an interesting problem, related to my development of some
> Authen/Authz handlers.
> I have a directory on which I've installed an Access, Authen, and Authz
> handler:
> - the Access handler makes sure a cookie exists, and redirects the user to a
> login page if it doens't.  If the cookie does exist, populate
> $r->connection->user. This works.
> - Authen handler currently returns OK - it will be used to validate the user
> as stored in the cookie
> If I 'require valid-user' in the directory, my authz handler doesn't get
> invoked, which I expect.  However, If I request the directory (ie. /test/) I
> get a directory listing instead of index.html.  If I take out the require,
> thereby bypassing authen/authz, I get index.html.  If I also put in custom
> 'requires', my authz handler is invoked, and the same thing happens.
> So, it seems that when OK is returned from an authz handler, the
> DirectoryIndex is not being read.
> I've been unsucessful in trying to find a solution.
> Ideas?
>     -klm.
> BTW, I understand that what I'm doing does appear to be similar to
> Apache::AuthCookie, but I have a few different requirements that I need to
> incorporate....

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