Cees Hek wrote:

> Quoting Jayce^ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>I've been researching the different modules for pushing your access log to a
>>dbi storage vs. local file and have one question which I'm not sure any of 
>>them are able to do yet.  Perhaps somebody has already thought of this and 
>>I'm just not seeing the answer (very likely).
>>I need to log my error_log entries also, not just the access log.
> For a non mod_perl way of dumping error_log into a DB just use the standard
> Apache ErrorLog directive with a pipe:
> ErrorLog "| /usr/local/apache/bin/error_logger.pl"

oh, yeah :)

along those same lines, I forgot to mention Apache::LogSTDERR, which 
is similar I suppose (though I've never used it).

additionally, if you are only interested in your own log statements 
and not errors thrown by mod_perl or Apache proper, then you can also 
try Apache::LogFile or Log::Dispatch (which is DBI friendly IIRC).



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