At 19:42 31.05.2002, Boex,Matthew W. wrote:

>can i ignore this error?  the script seems to work fine...
>Subroutine print_get_num redefined at /var/www/perl/cancel.cgi line 19.
>Subroutine print_gonna_del redefined at /var/www/perl/cancel.cgi line 27.
>Subroutine print_do_nothing redefined at /var/www/perl/cancel.cgi line 74.
>Subroutine print_do_del redefined at /var/www/fosbow/cancel.cgi line 83.
>Subroutine error_handler redefined at /var/www/fosbow/cancel.cgi line 156.

It depends. These errors are related to the following pitfall (I think):
You should read through that and find out how you can make your errors 
disappear and make your code more mod_perl friendly.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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