Valerio_Valdez Paolini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ray Zimmerman wrote:
>> So how is everybody else handling URL mapping?
>On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, John Hurst wrote:
>> In the filesystem. Directly requested .tt files are all sent to a
>> default template handler:
>> % cat admin/
>> [% => 'Project') %]
>I used html pages with augmented tags parsed by a standard handler:

I'm doing something similar, but using a database (and caches) for
url<->filename mappings (usually to Mason components, searching the
component root path) and then using a filter in the autohandler to
change urls of the form "comp:docs/index" to a url that maps to that

This lets me rearrange the public view of the site without moving any
files and allows me to rearrange the files without changing the
public view.

I'm working on a framework that will use the Mason component as the
controller, Perl modules as the model, and either Mason components or
TT templates called from the controller as the view.  The view would
output XML that would then be put through AxKit or similar by the
autohandler to add style information and produce HTML or whatever
format we needed.

The end result is that the work-code (model) is indepenent of
interface, the controller is independent of view, and the view is
somewhat (via XML) independent of look&feel.

I don't have benchmarks yet to demonstrate its non-scalability.
James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

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