(Please disregrard previous message.... I hit send prematurely...)
I'm writing again about the problem I was having yesterday with modules being
unable to set their own custom directives.  This is becoming my own private
nightmare, and I am certain it is the result of a very stupid move I made: somehow
in my initial grapplings, I upgraded from what I thought was mod_perl 1.24 to what
I thought was mod_perl 1.26, with the new libraries installed, either fully or partially
(I'm a bit unclear on this part), in the main PERL5LIB. 
At one point today I got a message:
usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i686-linux/Apache.pm is version 1.27
Perhaps you forgot to 'make install' or need to uninstall an old version?
Found: /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i686-linux/Apache.pm
Found: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/Apache.pm
Apache.pm version 1.26 required!
which makes me wonder if maybe the supposed 1.26 I installed was really
Since noticing all of this, I've been frantically trying to rebuild modules, on the assumption
that maybe one of them links with an outdated Apache::ExtUtils and somehow blocks
other modules from linking in their directives to the command_table.  Is this a possibility?
If so, what is the best way to make sure I am starting with a good perl library that matches
with the mod_perl linked into the httpd binary? Will I need to rebuild all modules that require
Sorry for the sprawling message, and thanks in advance for any advice.

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