On Mon, 17 Jun 2002, Slava Bizyayev wrote:

> Yes, absolutely. And no one on the earth may restrict your rights to log
> anything you feel important in your own handler. Just every overhead
> decrements the number of your prospective users. And when you try to dictate
> your very own needs (or fantasies) to be accepted as a standard, you are
> incorrect.

It was my reply to Valerio_Valdez. He had asked me why I need logging.
I had answered him. You said me once again about another ways of logging.
I know them. Thank you.

I do not try to dictate anyone my needs or fantasies.
Relax and do anything in fixup handler and tutorial - I would try
not disturb you in any way and hope that is the last my email 
on this subject.

Igor Sysoev

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