On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 12:48:57PM +0200, Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:
> Hi people,
> Time for a post that's a little different than your usual "New user" and 
> "New module" e-mails :) I'm posting here since it seems like the most 
> appropriate place to discuss these issues.
> I adressed an issue on the mod_perl list lately concerning the Apache:: 
> namespace organization. As you may know, all mod_perl modules are currently 
> grouped under Apache::, which creates a pretty extensive mess now that 
> there are many of them.
> You can see the thread here: 
> http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/skeldkendtrau . The RFC was generally 
> well received, so I think we are going to go through with it.
> Of course, we cannot change the current modules, but it would be preferable 
> to get new modules to follow certain conventions, like others on CPAN.
> Why am I adressing you? Because Randy suggested, and I agreed, that some 
> kind of module listing in categories would be interesting for the modules 
> and for the mod_perl community--probably having a page dedicated to 
> mod_perl modules. However, we don't want one person to maintain such a 
> category: just like PAUSE exists to avoid one person to take care of all 
> CPAN modules, it would be preferable to get module authors to categorize 
> their modules themselves. This can only be done satisfactorily with PAUSE, 
> to handle password protection etc... So I'm wondering if this is doable: 
> for example, on the "Register namespace" page, there could be a category 
> called "mod_perl modules", which would then bring you to a second page 
> where you choose your mod_perl category.

I'd be happy to see the Apache::* modules in section 15 (World Wide Web ...)
moved into a new 'Apache' section (needn't be mod_perl specific, could
include admin modules etc).

I'm not sure how Andreas maintains 00modlist.long.html these days
but there is clearly some 'sub-section' concept already in place
("Apache PerlAuthzHandler modules", "Apache PerlAccessHandler
modules" etc) so it seems very reasonable that PAUSE should allow
users to select which sub-section their module should be listed in.
You could almost call it a bug that it doesn't already support it.

The UI change ought to be as simple as adding the subsections to
the "Module List Chapter" drop-down list (that currently contains
just the 24 existing section names).


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