On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, E Kolve wrote:

> I was watching the apache scoreboard file and it appeared the the 
> mod_perl process was not being immediately freed by the proxy.  Normally 
> there will be 3 or 4 mod_perl procs in mode "W" Sending Reply, but after 
> around 20 - 30 seconds on 1.3.26 as the proxy all 30 (that is my 
> MaxClients for mod_perl) were in "W".  This seems like a problem with 
> either the IOBufferSize that was recently added or possibly something to 
> do with the proxy not releasing the mod_perl process once it has gotten 
> the last byte...

You can try mod_accel. Incomplete English documentation is available here:
Also feel free to ask me directly.

Igor Sysoev

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