I believe I have found a rather curious bug with Apache::DBI and 
restarts under mod_perl.  I created  simple (handler) that just did 
queries against an Oracle db.  I ran ab and generated a fairly 
signifigant load on the box (10 - 20) on a dual proc box.  Once the 
requests got up to around 120 r/s I ran graceful restarts.  What I saw 
happening was each of the processes was read blocked on its connection 
to Oracle, which seemed rather odd.  I am running mod_perl 1.26 / apache 
1.3.26 with perl 5.61 and Apache::DBI 0.89.

I found the following fixes this problem. In the childinit subroutine, add:

  %Connected = ();
  just after the debugging call.

You must have a connect_on_init call in your startup.pl though.  Has 
anyone else run in to this?



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