Hi all,

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, allan wrote:

> > > We were thinking to try removing font-family completely. Does anybody
> > > know of any problems with this approach?
> > 
> > I don't think the problem is the font-family
> for the major part of the content we haven't specified a
> font-size at all

Once I did a lot of cross-browser/cross-platform stuff, and in the end
to get decent results I had to check the incoming headers for browser,
version AND operating system and then modify the HTML to suit.  It was
admittedly a fairly picky set of pages, where layout was everything to
the Client.

There's really no substitute for viewing the pages on every browser/OS
combination - all sorts of quirky things appear when you least expect
it - but it makes for a very crowded desktop.  I had nine computers on
there at the time.


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