> It's harder if you want every query to be able to automatically retry on
> another database if it fails.  For that, you would need to add some
> extra code to catch the exception, recognize it as a connection failure,
> make a new connection, and retry the query.  I don't see anything on the
> SQL-Relay pages about this sort of ability.

We crafted a module that does this for our Oracle databases.  To save
anybody else the effort, here are the errors we identified as connection
errors that deserve a reconnection attempt:

   Oracle errors:
     ORA-00028 your session has been killed
     ORA-00603 ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
     ORA-01034 ORACLE not available
     ORA-01092 ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
     ORA-03113 end-of-file on communication channel

   Other errors:
     -1 and 'Error Database disconnected' = dbh has been disconnected

Kyle Oppenheim
Tellme Networks, Inc.

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