* simran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-07-23 05:11]:
> However: if i create an 'auto' directory in my document root
> (something that was not there before)

[-- snip --]

> Is this is feature or a bug, does path_info not check the 'Location' it
> matced the handler to or is it meant to look at the directory structure?

This is how Apache handles path_info: it is the "extra" stuff after
the translation handler has found a directory and filename.  It starts
at the left, and walks towards the right, until it finds the last
component that is a directory, and then the next piece is the file (no
existance check is done at this point).  The rest of it is path_info.

For example:

A request for /foo/bar/baz/quux, with a document root of /document/root
(assuming no Alias directives, that complicates things slightly), and
assuming that /document/root/foo is the last *directory* in the path
that exists, Apache does this:

  1. look for /document -> yep
  2. look for /document/root -> yep
  3. look for /document/root/foo -> yep
  4. look for /document/root/foo/bar -> nope

So /document/root/foo/bar is r->filename, and /baz/quux is path_info.

To reiterate: this is not a mod_perl thing (bug/whatever) but an Apache


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