Another chunk of sample code is available in chapter 15 of The
mod_perl Developer's Cookbook.  The Cookbook::Mail module uses
MIME::Lite and Email::Valid to send data/attachments around.

Feel free to adapt it to suit your needs:


On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 10:48:52AM -0700, Goehring, Chuck Mr., RCI - San Diego wrote:
> Richard,
> I also use MIME::Lite (on Win2000) with mod_perl.  Found it to be quite reliable and 
>it supports attachments and receipts like so:
>       if($aReceipt ne '') {  # If return receipt requested.
>         $msg->add("Disposition-Notification-To"    => $aApobj->getEmail_Address);  
>       }
> Chuck
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 6:28 AM
> Subject: Mail::Sender & modperl.
> List,
>     Have any of you had any problems using Mail::Sender from within 
> mod_perl. My script seems to just sit there waiting for $sender->Open to 
> do anything. I will email the author also but imagined he *might* not be 
> familiar with mod_perl so won't be able to offer any suggestions. 
> Anyone? I looked through the archives but saw no reference to a problem 
> like this. Some people indicated much success with Mail::Sender (not so 
> for me however!).
> Second, the recommended solution for sending mails is to instead put 
> them on a queue for an external daemon to handle. My question is, is 
> there a standard implementation people use when doing this. Is the KISS 
> theory invoked and the outoing mail simply written to some plain text 
> spool file or do people use something more involved like writing the 
> to,cc,from,subject,body test to a database and storing any temporary 
> files (attachment) in a directory for later encoding?
> Ric
> p.s. here is an excerpt from my apache log indicating precisely what happens
>  >> 220 ESMTP Postfix
> 421 Error: timeout exceeded
> << ehlo localhost
> << mail from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> << rcpt to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> << data
> << X-Mailer: Perl script "null"
> <<      using Mail::Sender by Jenda Krynicky
> <<      running on localhost (
> <<      under account "root"
> << Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2002 13:18:12 -0000
> << Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> << Subject:  msg msg msg
> <<
> close sender
> <<
> << .
> << quit
> done
> The request took 305.710375070572 seconds

Paul Lindner    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ||||| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |

    mod_perl Developer's Cookbook
         Human Rights Declaration

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