Simon Perreault wrote:

>>You wrote on 2002-04-30 to apache-modperl about Apache::DBI not being testable 
>>while not under mod_perl. You said this:
>>>That's normal. You cannot test modules that use mod_perl API without 
>>>running them inside mod_perl server. I've the same problem as you've 
>>>reported. This test suite is simple broken.
>>>All Apache:: module authors should be moving to use the new Apache::Test 
>>>framework soon, since it lets you test the code under running mod_perl 
>>>server and works with both versions of httpd/mod_perl.
>>This is exactly my situation. I develop a module which requires Apache::DBI, 
>>so I include it in my Makefile.PL like this:
>>    'PREREQ_PM'    => {
>>        'Apache::DBI'       => 0,
>>    },
>>But that prints a warning because Apache::DBI can't find Apache::module(), 
>>which is only available under mod_perl.
>>My question:
>>1) Can you tell me (or guide me toward some information) how I can properly 
>>add Apache::DBI as a prerequisite so that it doesn't print a warning (which 
>>is the subjet of 90% of user emails)?
>>2) How can I test my module running Apache::DBI with Apache::Test?

I'll answer these in reverse:

2) See
Though you can really rely on it once Apache::Test is released, which 
will happen when mod_perl 2.0 is released.

1) That's an interesting problem. It seems that nobody has asked this 
question before. Here is my take on it. If you like this solution I'll 
add it to the docs.

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

# set prerequisites
my %prereq = (
     Foo => 1.56,

# Manually test whether Apache::DBI is installed and add it to the
# PREREQ_PM if it's not installed, so will automatically fetch
# it. If Apache::DBI is already installed it will fail to get loaded by
# MakeMaker because it requires the mod_perl environment to load.
eval { require Apache::DBI };
if ($@ && $@ !~ /Can't locate object method/) {
     $prereq{Apache::DBI} = '';

     NAME               => 'Apache::SuperDuper',
     VERSION_FROM       => '',
     PREREQ_PM          => \%prereq,
     # ...

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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