Hi there,

> >From what I can tell, the original had the following header:
> > X-Spam-Rating: daedalus.apache.org 1.6.2 0/1000/N
> So did Ged's last response:
> > X-Spam-Rating: daedalus.apache.org 1.6.2 0/1000/N
> It may have been included when Ged replied,

I use SpamAssassin, it flagged the original message.

> X-Spam-Rating header is worthless to this list for this kind of spam.


> At the very least, the moderators (Ask?) should be able to identify the 
> poster's originating subscribing infromation, unsubscribe them to the list, 
> and/or notify them if it came from a compromised account.

That's why I cc'd Ask in my post.

> And of course, send whatever info we can to the RBL folks

SpamAssasin does that - when a user gets spam which isn't flagged,
he's supposed to send it to a 'sightings' address.  Matt, is that
still right?  I'm still sending the stuff...


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