In my conf file, I have the following directives:

<Location /rms>
    AuthType Apache::AuthCookieRMSDBI
    AuthName RMS
    PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieRMSDBI->authenticate
    PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthCookieRMSDBI->authorize
    require valid-user

<Location /rms/module>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler RMS::Control::Module->handler

When I call the URL /rms/module/foo, and in 
RMS::Control::Module->handler I examine $r->path_info, I get as a value 
'/module/foo' rather than the expected '/foo'.  If apache recognized 
that /rms/module/foo was to go to RMS::Control::Module->handler then it 
knows that /rms/module is the script name and thus should know that 
path_info should be just /foo, right?


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