I had a similar problem running mod_perl with Oracle9i;

In my particular case, the solution was to declare the PERL5LIB env variable both at the OS side and inside httpd.conf as follows on the perl section: sentenv PERL5LIB [your PERL lib path]. Another issue was resolved by passenv PERL5LIB.

Also, you migh check out the apache error_log if you get a good mod_per start as per the installation manual.

One VERY important step is to check out (again and again) how you did compile mod_perl as it may be tricky, as per the installation manual:
perl Makefile.PL
make && make test
make install
cd to apache_xx
make install

Finally, you can temporarily disable your startup.pl. I did this because only had used it to persist the DB connection from Apache startup.

I have discovered that versioning is very impostant for it all. Can't suggest you any of what Linux are since I'm on Solaris/Sparc. I had tremendous problems using  Apache version 1.3.26 instead of  1.3.12 (!).

Good Luck.


Paul Barrette wrote:

I'll admit I am not an expert at compiling from source. I have however, been persistent and banging my head against the wall for several weeks.I have finally decided to ask for help.Forgive me for any list server faux paux as well as I am brand new at it. Here is my configuration I am running Redhat 7.3 on x86. Apache, php then mod_perl have all been compiled and installed in that order. I have apache 2.0.39 compiled with the following configure options: --enable-so--enable-mods-shared=most--with-mpm-prefork I've also installed php 4.2.0 using--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs--without-tsrm-pth--enable-versioning--enable-regex--with-mysql Finally I've installed mod-perl-1.99_05 as follows:perl Makefile.PL  MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache2 MP_INST_APACHE2=2 Everything works well EXCEPT perl. There are no complaints when I startup apache, in fact the following message can be seen in the error.log file:Apache/2.0.39 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_05-dev Perl/v5.6.1 DAV/2 PHP/4.2.0 configured -- resuming normal operations I've added the following lines in httpd.conf:__________________________________________
LoadModule perl_modulemodules/mod_perl.so

#PerlModule Apache2
PerlRequire "/usr/local/apache2/perl/startup.pl"

Alias /perl /web/pbarrette.com/admin/

PerlModule Apache::Registry

<Location /perl>
SetHandler modperl
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader on
Allow from all



my startup.pl script is as follows:

___________________________________________use Apache2 (); use lib qw(/web/pbarrette.com/admin); # enable if the mod_perl 1.0 compatibility is needed# use Apache::compat ();use ModPerl::Util (); #for CORE::GLOBAL::exituse Apache::RequestRec ();use Apache::RequestIO ();use Apache::RequestUtil (); use Apache::Server ();use Apache::ServerUtil ();use Apache::Connection ();use Apache::Log (); use APR::Table (); use ModPerl::Registry (); use Apache::Const -compile => ':common';use APR::Const -compile => ':common'; 1;_______________________________________I put a test perl script test.pl into the /web/pbarrette.com/admin directory, enter the url in a browser but all I get is the text not executed.print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";print "mod_perl rules!\n"; I have searched in a zillion places to see where I am going wrong and suspect everything is OK but just that I do not knowhow to properly enable mod_perl. Either that or I do not know where to put perl scripts. I have tried the latest build of apache-2.0.40 as well as php-4.2.2, but I ran into so many problems trying to get them to compile that I decided tostick with the versions that I have. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong? Thanks,Paul Barrette  


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