> Personally I would suspect Windows in this case.  I don't know about
> XP,  but Windows 95/98/ME did not have a working flock.  If XP is based
> on  the NT code, it may not have that problem.  Even so, I would try
> testing  that first, or maybe asking about it on Win32 perl mailing
> list.

XP is based on the NT Kernel, and should have a working flock. I believe In 
recent versions of 5.6.1 flock() is emulated on the 9x kernel as well. 
However this doesn't mean mod_perl supports it, but I'm pretty sure (98%?)
Activestate and Win32 perl does. I've never flock-ed in my life (never had 
a need) but I have been tracking Perl and Apache under Win32 for quite a 
while so take all this with a grain of salt.


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