Hi ..

I'm trying to do a simple redirect using mod_perl 2.0, Apache 2.0.40  ..
just doesn't seem to work.

This is my code, in a file called MySocket.pm

package Apache::MySocket;

use strict;
use Apache::RequestRec ();
use Apache::compat();
use Apache::Const -compile => qw(OK REDIRECT);

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
        return Apache::REDIRECT;

This is what i added to httpd.conf :

<Location /ok/ok>
    SetHandler modperl
    PerlResponseHandler Apache::MySocket

When I do this : http://localhost/ok/ok i want the web server to redirect
to: http://localhost/test.html

Where am i going wrong ? I'm not getting any errors .. even 'error_log ' is
blank. Any clues ?


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