Martin Moss wrote:
> All,
> How do I change the behaviour of get_basic_auth_passwd()
> I do not wish to have the prompt box appear, I want to have a dynamically
> produced login form which when submitted carries out the users previous
> command (I have an authentication system which 'times out' a user)
> the problem I have is that this doesn't work:-
>  my $response=&timedout($r); #returns a string of html to display
>       $r->custom_response(AUTH_REQUIRED,$response);
>       return AUTH_REQUIRED;
> The problem is this still prompts the user for his username and password,
> and only displays the html is the user presses cancel.
> How do I ditch the login box completely?


see recipe 13.7 in the Cookbook, or Apache::AuthCookie for examples of 
how this is done (hint, it requires a bit of fancy footwork :)



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