> I call a page, /my/script1?task=foo which does some things and then needs to
> redirect to /my/script2?task=bar.  However, putting 
> $r->internal_redirect('/my/script2?task=bar');
> doesn't seem to work as script2 is seeing task=foo rather than task=bar.
> Looks like the internal_redirect is also passing along the form params to
> the second request.  How is this avoided?  I'm looking through the cookbook
> recipe on internal redirects but nothing is jumping out at me at the moment.

that's pretty odd.

given two scripts, one.pl:

return Apache::OK;

and two.pl:

my $r = shift;
print "args is ", scalar $r->args, "\n";

I get the right results:

$ GET localhost/perl-bin/one.pl?main=request
args is internal=redirect

are you returning OK right after your internal redirect?  does setting 
$r->args() before calling the internal redirect to a third value 
change anything?


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