Greetings again.

I'm trying to figure out the best/fastest/most elegant way of setting
virtualhost based variables.  Basically I have three sites, and the only
difference between them is the DocumentRoot ($htdocroot) and the database
their data is being accessed from ($dbh).

When it was a single site I had $documentroot and $dbh declared in my, and my modules accessed it through $main::dbh, and it was
all find and dandy.  

Is there a way to do this? Or do I have to use $r->dir_config in every
module to get the document root and re-create $dbh? 

I know mod_perl 2.0 will solve this problem with the +Parent option, but
heading to apache 2.0 might not be an option at this point.

So how does everyone else do it? :)



Alan "Arcterex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   -=][=-
"I used to herd dairy cows. Now I herd lusers. Apart from the isolation, I
think I preferred the cows. They were better conversation, easier to milk, and
if they annoyed me enough, I could shoot them and eat them." -Rodger Donaldson

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