Randy Kobes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Paul Simon wrote:

> Is there something in the configuration not jiving?
> Windows 2000, Apache 2.0.42, mod_perl-2(1.99_08-dev via ppm)
> In http.conf I have:
> Include conf/test.conf
> AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
> In test.conf I have:
> PerlRequire "C:/Apache2/conf/startup.pl"
> Options +ExecCGI
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
> PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

> #ScriptAlias /test/ "C:/Apache2/htdocs/test/"
> startup.pl looks like:
> #!C:/Perl/bin/Perl.exe
> use Apache2();
> use ModPerl::Registry ();
> 1;
> Apache starts up. I can see mod_perl loaded in via
> server-status. And when I call just the directory /test/, this
> what I get in the error log:
> [error] 1932: ModPerl::Registry: C:/Apache2/htdocs/test/ not
> found or unable to stat

This is OK - you normally don't want a directory listing
for locations that have scripts in them.

> If I try to call index.cgi under /test/index.cgi, the page just
> hangs. index.cgi works as a straight CGI page. Here it is:
> #!C:/Perl/bin/Perl.exe
> print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
> print "mod_perl 2.0 rocks!\n";
> ------- I'll keep trying. Hopefully, there's an easy solution
> to this. Thanks.

Maybe not easy :) Using perl-5.6.1, and Apache-2.0.42, I found
the above to also hang ... However, it worked as expected using
the perl-5.8/Apache2 binary of perl-5.8-win32-bin.tar.gz under
ftp://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/other/. As there's issues with
threads on Win32 with perl-5.6.1, eventually perl-5.8 will be the
recommended Win32 Perl for mod_perl-2; if possible, you may want
to give this a try.

best regards,
randy kobes


Almost easy.  I have it running now with perl5.8. I'm going to pilot it...

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