Hi there,

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Richard Homolka wrote:

> attaching a core stack trace

Haven't seen it.

> httpd.conf ... no changes at all from what you get installed from apache.
> ... Other modulkes static or dynamic.

If there are no changes to httpd.conf, how do you load the dynamic modules?

> Constants: static linked mod_perl 1.27, and Perl 5.6, solaris 2.8/sparc.  I 
> don't have root, so mod_perl files installed in apache install tree.

Don't like the sound of this, please explain carefully your directory layout
and how you prepared for the compilation.

> My problem, I get a consistent core dump in perl_handler(),

I suspect that the compilers used to compile Apache, Perl and mod_perl are
different.  Please post the output of 'perl -V' as requested in the docs.

Have you read the mod_perl Guide?  See the mod_perl home page for a link.


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