I am having trouble with Apache:AuthCookieDBI. I hope someone here can help because I 
have not been able to find a solution despite extensive searching.

Config overview:
RH 7.3
Apache/1.3.23 (Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux)
mod_perl 1.26

I can bring up the login form provided with the module, but it always returns the 
login-failed form and I am not sure why.

The log file returns:

[Thu Oct 10 15:28:27 2002] [error] access to /LOGIN failed for 
sdn-ar-019casfrmp184.dialsprint.net, reason: Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't have the 
secret key for auth realm dev2
[Thu Oct 10 15:28:28 2002] [error] access to /signmanage/ failed for 
sdn-ar-019casfrmp184.dialsprint.net, reason: Apache::AuthCookieDBI: didn't the secret 
key from for auth realm dev2

I see in the documentation at 
http://search.cpan.org/author/CROMIS/Apache-AuthCookieDBI-1.19/AuthCookieDBI.pm that 
heat secret key needs to be listed in the httpd.conf before the PerlModule, which I 
believe I am doing (see below). Other than that, I can't find any additional tips.

This guy seemed to have a similar issue, but his SecretKey line was in the wrong place 
it appears: 

Below is the relevant part of my config.

Thanks for your help!

<VirtualHost dev2>
DocumentRoot /home/websites/dev2
ServerName dev2.somewhere.com
DirectoryIndex index.html

PerlSetVar dev2DBI_SecretKeyFile /home/websites/dev2/signmanage/secretkey.txt
PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
PerlSetVar dev2Path /
PerlSetVar dev2LoginScript /signmanage/login.pl
PerlSetVar dev2DBI_DSN "dbi:Pg:dbname=users"
PerlSetVar dev2DBI_User "pguser"

<Location /signmanage>
 AuthName dev2
 AuthType Apache::AuthCookieDBI

 PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authenticate
 PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authorize
 Require valid-user

<FilesMatch "\.pl$">
 AuthName dev2
 AuthType Apache::AuthCookieDBI
 PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authenticate
 PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->authorize
 Require valid-user

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
PerlSendHeader On
Options +ExecCGI

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